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What is pyscripter?

As a developer, you know that building powerful Python AI applications can be complex. PyScripter is here to change that. It is a development platform that allows you to efficiently convert Python scripts into fully functional applications. With PyScripter you can easily integrate AI functions and flexibly design input parameters for your users. You retain control over the Python libraries of your choice and benefit from independence as your applications run locally and without restrictions from cloud services. PyScripter helps you design your applications exactly how you need them - with the freedom to optimize your apps' user experience through configurable AI settings. In short, PyScripter is your tool to build Python AI applications

Easy to create and refine so you can focus on what you do best: creating innovative solutions.

Fast & secure

Flexible & scalable

Improved collaboration

This is how PyScripter came about:

As software developers creating Python applications with AI integration, we faced a constant challenge: our products should be delivered to customers quickly, easily and securely, where accuracy in AI parameterization, especially in prompts, is crucial.

PyScripter has proven to be an effective solution to these needs. It transforms complex Python scripts and AI settings into easy-to-use Windows apps. This relieves the end user of the underlying code and allows them to concentrate on intuitive operation. It also allows our customers to make their own adjustments to the AI settings if necessary. The Python installation can be automated, which makes it even easier to get started.

Another key advantage of PyScripter is the ability for our customers to use their own user credentials for services such as OpenAI or Google Cloud Services. This protects sensitive data and integrates seamlessly into customers' existing infrastructure and subscriptions, increasing both security and data protection.

With PyScripter we have provided numerous applications efficiently and in a customer-friendly manner. The platform allows us to present our products in a way that best meets the needs of both developers and customers.


This is what PyScripter offers

Discover the advantages of PyScripter: A compact overview that shows you how you can optimize your development with our platform. Take a look for yourself – and start for free!

Accelerated Python development

Imagine being able to turn your Python scripts into finished app packages in a flash. With PyScripter, this is no longer a dream: you work in the integrated editor or in your usual development environment and with one click your code becomes a ready-to-use application. No long waiting, no complicated steps - just develop, click and you're ready to use your Python solutions in practice.

Facilitated AI integration and configuration

This helps you develop AI applications: You can configure the AI features of your Python apps directly without having to dive into the code every time. PyScripter makes it possible: Set your prompts, select the AI model and easily adjust other parameters in the app package. This keeps your programming clean and AI control becomes child's play - for tailor-made adjustments exactly according to your ideas. This feature can also be released to end users.

Automatic GUI creation

PyScripter provides custom input parameters directly in the development environment, including file and folder selection as well as checkboxes and selection lists. This integrated parameterization simplifies the inclusion of user input in your script and PyScripter automatically generates the appropriate GUI - for an efficient and user-focused development process.

Full autonomy, privacy and cost control

With PyScripter you control your projects yourself - locally and independently, with free choice of Python libraries. Your applications do not share data with PyScripter, giving you full control over privacy and independence. Plus, you have complete freedom when it comes to pricing your apps, thanks to a simple flat rate with no ongoing fees - a clear, cost-effective solution for your development.


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